Building Real Relationships to Grow Your Interior Design Business

In the age of digital marketing and social media, it's easy to get caught up in the online world. We have it drummed into us that we should be continually marketing on social media. But for interior designers, true success often hinges on something far more personal: building strong, one-on-one relationships with real people.

Of course, a stunning portfolio and a well-designed website are crucial. But when it comes to attracting high-quality clients and growing your business, there's no substitute for the power of real, in person connections.

Why Relationships Matter

If you think about it, your ideal client is entrusting you with their most personal space, their haven. They want to feel comfortable, understood, and confident in your ability to translate their vision into reality. The person that is going to deliver this for them *has* to be someone they trust.

But just how do you get in front of the right people, and build those one to one connections? Let's take a look at some strategies:

  • Become a Networking Ninja: Okay, maybe not a ninja exactly, but attending local events and industry gatherings is a great way to get yourself known. Of course, networking events isn't just about finding your ideal client (though that can happen!). It's about building a network of people who know you, your work, and your design philosophy. And the more people who know you, the more people there are who can act as ambassadors for your business. 

  • Target the Right Events: Don't waste time at generic business mixers. Seek out events relevant to your niche – estate agency conferences for luxury designers, home improvement exhibitions for residential specialists, trade shows for interior designers. This allows you to connect with people who are already interested in the services you offer.

  • Go Beyond the Business Card: Networking isn't a numbers game. Focus on genuine conversations, actively listen, and learn about people's needs. Offer value – share design tips, answer renovation questions – and you'll leave a lasting impression.

  • Host Your Own Events: Workshops are a fantastic way to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients. Choose a topic relevant to your target audience (e.g., "Curating a Calm Home Office" or the classic "Mood Board Masterclass") and offer valuable takeaways. Not only will you position yourself as an expert in your field, but you'll also gather valuable leads.

  • The Power of Collaboration: Partner with complementary businesses – local estate agents, furniture suppliers, even contractors. Build genuine connections and cross-promote each other's services. As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats!

Building Relationships Takes Time (But it's Worth It!)

Building genuine connections, especially those that are fact to face doesn't happen overnight. It requires effort, patience, and a genuine interest in the people you meet. But the payoff is significant – a steady stream of clients and a thriving business.

So, put down the digital design tools for a moment, step out into the real world, and start building relationships. You might be surprised where it leads! By investing in relationships, you're investing in the future of your interior design business.

And if you'd like some help to implement steps like these, come and join us, over in our Hub Insiders membership, where we help people to build flourishing interior design businesses. 


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