The Key Ingredient to a Successful Interior Design Business

What do you think is the key ingredient to running a successful interior design business? Creative flare? Great people skills? Knowing the industry? Well, yes, all these things are important, but they can be learnt. We believe that the key ingredient to running a successful ID business is having the right MINDSET and that’s where our training starts in the Hub, overcoming our mindset gremlins and limiting beliefs.

Our mindset gremlins are a set of beliefs and strategies that we have adopted over the years, usually in response to fear. They take the form of negative self-talk such as, “oh, I’m no good at that” or “She’s much better than me”. We may have had these thoughts for a very long time, sometimes formed at childhood, so they become a habit. If you continually hear the same thing, you start to believe it, don’t you?

Gremlins are well-intentioned, but they are a little like an over-protective mother.  They help us cope with worrying situations, they keep us safe, out of danger and within our comfort zone, but they hold us back and don’t allow us to grow. We need to experience failure, or experimentation as we call it here at the Hub, to learn and move forward.

So, what can we do to overcome these gremlins?



Be aware of them. We can’t change anything if we aren’t aware of what needs to be changed. Stand back, take a detached view of yourself and be honest. Is the negative self-talk just coming from you? If others are saying something similar, is it only because you have told them sooo many times yourself that you are rubbish at A or B? What is it that you fear? 


 It’s your mindset, no one else’s. Only you can take control and choose to change those negative thoughts into positive actions to achieve your goals. No one else can do it for you.


Don’t listen to those gremlins, put sticky tape over their mouths and act, ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’! Small steps are fine as long as you are moving in the right direction. Reinforce your positive actions and thoughts by reading motivational books and remember to reward and praise yourself. You want to create new positive habits and increase your own self-belief.


Although only you can change your mindset, others can be a great help in supporting and encouraging you through it. It doesn’t have to be a therapist; a friend will do. Sometimes we are too close to a situation and a fresh pair of eyes or an independent view is needed.

There is no denying that a mindset shift is hard work. It can take a lot of painful soul-searching but many of our members have found it a very cathartic experience and it has helped them move onwards and upwards with their businesses. Success can’t be achieved if your mindset gremlins are holding you back.

If you would like to find out more about our membership and training, then please take a look at our Hub Insiders Membership HERE


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