My Journey Into Interior Design

Back in 2010 I was working as a school teacher in a local primary school. I was teaching classes of 30+ children, I was a member of the Senior Leadership Team with a responsibility for curriculum development and quite frankly, I was as miserable as sin.

I loved teaching, and of course I loved the children I taught. Unlike most teachers, it wasn't just the constant bashing from Ofsted, the long hours and the tonnes of paperwork that were dragging me down, but a nagging sense that I wasn't doing with my life what I was meant to be doing.

Can you relate?

For well-meaning reasons, I'd taken up this career, but I had always felt as though there was something else I was meant to be doing with my life. The trouble was, I didn't know what that was!

I knew that I wanted greater flexibility in my life, and I also knew that I loved teaching. I had a mad passion for interior design, I was a whizz with computers and I had a supportive husband who just wanted to see me happy.

Combining my strengths and passions

What I hadn't realised at the time was that I could combine my strengths and passions and carve out a career for myself in a different direction.

It had never occurred to me that I could start a whole new career in my late 30s, that seemingly had no bearing on what I'd done before!

For me, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to step out of teaching and spend some time working out what I wanted to do.

Initially I signed up for a few different short courses to 'dip my toe in the water', but it was the interior design course that really caught my imagination. By taking the time to study a short course, I knew that this was something I wanted to do.

And so I took on the full interior design course, and gained my qualification. I then started to offer design consultations, I started a blog and I learned a whole load of stuff about marketing.

And sure enough, but by bit, my business began to grow, and I was delighted when I was able to start offering courses, training other people in my passion, interior design. It was the marriage of my skills and passions all in one bundle.

Fast forward to today...

Fast forward to today and I now run an interior design school, which seeks to take the mystery out of interior design, and help people just like you to discover a whole new career and a whole new way of living.

Did it take a lot of courage?

For sure!

But it's also the best thing I've ever done.

My journey started by committing to some studies, and this is a great way to find out whether this is a good fit for you.

If you are toying with the idea of a career change into interior design, but you're not yet ready to take the leap, why not come and take one of our qualifications to see if it's something you enjoy?

If you enjoy decorating your home, you'll enjoy the course and who knows, it could be the start of a whole new career for you!

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