What to Post on Instagram Before You Have a Portfolio

Maybe you're a new designer, eager to jump onto the Instagram bandwagon. But your portfolio might be a little empty... or perhaps you're a seasoned interior designer but you're mid-project. Or maybe you just haven't landed many clients yet and your student work isn't quite ready for prime time.

Don't worry,
you can still create a thriving Instagram presence! Here's how to create engaging content that showcases your skills and helps you to build an audience, even before you have a full portfolio:

Showcase Your Style:

  • Be the Inspiration: Share images that reflect your design aesthetic. Think beautiful interiors, furniture pieces, colour palettes you love, or even inspirational quotes that speak to your design ideals. This gives potential clients a taste of your style without having completed projects to show them.

  •  Become a Design Guru: Offer design tips and tricks! Break down trends, answer common design questions, or provide "how-to" guides for small design projects. This establishes you as a knowledgeable resource and positions you as an expert.

Behind the Scenes:

  • Take them on a Design Journey: Share glimpses into your design process! Show mood boards in progress, visits to showrooms or fabric stores, or even the design tools you use. This gives followers a personal connection and lets them see the creative spark behind your work.

  • Let Your Personality Shine: Share your design inspirations, what drew you to the field, or even design challenges you've overcome (without revealing client specifics). This makes your account more relatable and helps potential clients connect with you on a personal level.

Building the Buzz:

  • Start Now, Build Momentum: Don't wait for launch day! Begin posting consistently to build anticipation and get people interested in your design journey.

  • Be Social! Like and comment on other design accounts, participate in relevant hashtags, and answer questions in your comments. Building a network and interacting with other designers is a great way to grow your audience.

Showcasing Completed Work (sort of):

  • Dig into the Archives: Do you have a portfolio from your studies or even work that you've done in your own home? Look for strong visuals that showcase your design skills. Even a small styled vignette can showcase your skills.

Pro Polish, Not Student Status:

  • Phone Photography Power: Even phone photography can be stunning! Pay attention to lighting, composition, and editing to create professional-looking images.

  • Cohesive is the Key: Develop a consistent visual identity for your feed. Create a colour palettes for a consistent look and feel that reflects your design style.

  • Compelling Captions: Don't underestimate the power of words! Write captions that are informative, engaging, and reflect your brand voice. If you're fun and bubbly, write fun and bubbly captions. If you're sophisticated and a little serious, write in that brand voice. 

By following these steps, you can create a professional and engaging design Instagram presence, even before you have a full portfolio. So grab your phone (or camera!), start creating, and watch your design journey take off on Instagram!

And don't forget, that if you're working on building a design business, and you'd like some help to make it flourish, there's no better place to be than Hub Insiders! Go check it out. 


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